President Lois Thiergart
1st Vice President | Susan Covington |
Treasurer | Rose Quinto |
Recording Secretary | Lynette Paulchek |
Corresponding Secretary | Kay Bodkin |
The mission of the Association is to promote social relations among the wives, widows, mothers and daughters or sisters of Scottish Rite Masons. The Association supports the brethren of the Scottish Rite in every aspect of their programs. This includes assisting with educational, charitable, and social as well as fundraising activities for the Valley’s charities, providing for the maintenance of the facilities when needed, supporting the wellbeing of the women of Scottish Rite Masons and much more. Over the years, the Valley’s Scottish Rite Women’s Association has presented thousands of dollars to the Scottish Rite Foundation of Florida Inc. in its funding of Childhood Language Disorders program.
Please support the SRWA. The benefits it pays keeps the Scottish Rite “a family affair” and allows us to spread the word of the benefits of Scottish Rite Freemasonry to all good men and Masons.