I am excited to share the following update with our brothers. Education and Sandwich Supper will continue on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm. I will be alternating between in-person and ZOOM sessions in hopes of accommodating brothers who work until 5 pm or live in FWB/Crestview and cannot get over in time for our sessions. The ZOOM link will not change month to month. ZOOM can be accessed using a computer or a smartphone by downloading the app. You can also just “call in” by dialing the phone number provided when the meeting starts.
This year, we will also be exemplifying three degrees that are not conferred at our Reunions as the “after-dinner program” on our normal 1st Thursday meeting nights. These are **starred** below, as you will not want to miss those meetings! I’m also working on developing some tabletop discussion questions that will tie into the degree we are conferring or discussing that month. I hope you will consider engaging your fellow brothers and sisters in a conversation about those topics while you eat and enjoy one another’s fellowship.
February 26th: 28° Knight Commander of the Temple (in person)
***March 6th: 6° Intimate Secretary (conferral after dinner)***
March 26th: 29° Knight of St Andrew (ZOOM)
April 23rd: 30° Knight Kadosh (in person)
May 28th: no education session
June 25th – 31° Inspector Inquisitor (ZOOM)
July 23rd – 32° Master of the Royal Secret (in person)
August 27th – 1° Entered Apprentice (ZOOM)
***September 4th: 13° Royal Arch of Solomon or Enoch (conferral after dinner)***
September 24th – 2° Fellow Craft (in person)
October 22nd – 3° Master Mason (ZOOM)
***November 6th: 31° Inspector Inquisitor (conferral after dinner)***
November 26th – 4° Secret Master (in person)
December 24th – no education session – Happy Holidays!
ZOOM Information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 1106 2673
Passcode: 123456
One tap mobile
+13052241968,,88311062673#,,,,*123456# US
Fraternally yours,
Joshua Schutts 32°, Director of Education
Valley of Pensacola
2024 Grand Commander’s Fellow
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry SJ